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Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar

External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar visits Sri Lanka to strengthen bilateral ties and promote connectivity projects, reaffirming India’s ‘Neighbourhood First Policy’ and commitment to its closest maritime neighbor

External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar is set to travel to Sri Lanka on Thursday, marking his first bilateral visit abroad in his second consecutive term. This significant visit underscores India’s commitment to strengthening ties with its closest maritime neighbor under the ‘Neighbourhood First Policy.’

Strengthening Bilateral Relations

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) emphasized that Jaishankar’s visit is a testament to New Delhi’s unwavering support for Sri Lanka. “The visit reaffirms India’s ‘Neighbourhood First Policy’ and underlines New Delhi’s continued commitment to Sri Lanka as its closest maritime neighbour and time-tested friend,” the MEA stated.

This visit aims to enhance momentum in various collaborative projects and deepen cooperation across multiple sectors, reflecting the robust and mutually beneficial relationship between the two nations.

Focus on Connectivity and Cooperation

Jaishankar’s agenda includes advancing connectivity projects, which are crucial for fostering economic growth and regional integration. Enhanced connectivity will not only facilitate trade and investment but also promote people-to-people ties, reinforcing the strong bond shared by India and Sri Lanka.

The MEA highlighted that the visit would accelerate progress in various sectors, including infrastructure, technology, and education. These initiatives are expected to bring substantial benefits to both countries, contributing to regional stability and prosperity.

Strategic and Historical Significance

India’s ‘Neighbourhood First Policy’ prioritizes establishing and nurturing friendly relations with neighboring countries, with a focus on mutual growth and development. Sri Lanka, as a key maritime neighbor, holds strategic importance for India. The historical ties between the two countries, characterized by cultural, economic, and political cooperation, further underscore the significance of this visit.

Future Prospects

Jaishankar’s visit is anticipated to pave the way for more comprehensive and strategic engagements between India and Sri Lanka. It is expected to address key issues, including trade, security, and regional cooperation, ensuring that both nations continue to work closely on common goals.

In conclusion, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar’s visit to Sri Lanka is a crucial step in reinforcing the longstanding friendship between the two countries. By promoting connectivity projects and enhancing cooperation across various sectors, this visit reaffirms India’s dedication to its ‘Neighbourhood First Policy’ and highlights the enduring partnership between India and Sri Lanka.

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